eduSOIL Training Pathways
Teacher Development Pathway
For school-based teachers to utilise Mindfulness, Yoga and Changemaker tools and techniques in their classrooms
Training Pathway for Freelance eduSOIL Teachers
To ultilise Mindfulness, Yoga & Changemaker tools and techniques at eduSOIL programmes and in your community.
Training Pathway
We engage in three levels of training:
1. We train ourselves, to benefit ourselves
2. We train to teach, to benefit others
3. We train to train others to teach, to benefit many more children and adults (coming soon)
We engage in three levels of training:
1. We train ourselves, to benefit ourselves
2. We train to teach, to benefit others
3. We train to train others to teach, to benefit many more children and adults (coming soon)
Level 1: Training Oneself
This is comprised of three programmes that enable a personal immersion into Mindfulness, Yoga and Changemaking.
a) 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course
b) 3 Mindfulness and Yoga Retreat Days over 6 month period
c) 1 month Changemaker Challenge
Level 2: Training to Teach as an eduSOIL Teacher
a) Mandatory completion of relevant Level One Training
b) 2-12 months volunteer service in our school programmes (See volunteer page)
c) Specialised training in Mindfulness, Yoga or Changemaking with us and our associate/affiliate training partners.
(Course options include 1 week-1 month onsite intensive, 2-4 month online)
Write to us at [email protected] and tell us what you're interested in as well as your experience